Tuesday, July 23, 2019

USF confirms it! NO new bodies found at former Dozier School site!

Road leading to the site of the "non-graves"
excavated last week on the former Dozier School
for Boys property in Marianna, Florida.
University of South Florida (USF) professor Erin Kimmerle confirms that the "anomalies" at the former Dozier School site are NOT graves after all. We first reported this news last week, but the professor announced this morning that the initial dig is over.

NO bodies or human remains were found in excavations at a site pointed out by New South Associates. The ground-penetrating radar firm thought it had found "clandestine graves" on the campus of the former school for juvenile offenders.

The site was originally called the Florida Reform School and later the Florida Industrial School for Boys or the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys. It is now called Endeavor.

The possible "clandestine graves" proved to be places where pine tree stumps had been removed.

USF will now move on to studying Lidar imagery to see if it can find any other signs of graves on the campus. The whole new study is costing taxpayers $850,000 thanks to an appropriation from the Florida Legislature.

Meanwhile, residents throughout the region continue their struggle to recover from the damage or destruction inflicted on their homes by Hurricane Michael.

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