Monday, December 19, 2011

"A Christmas in Two Egg" draws Overflow Crowds!

Overflow Crowd for First Performance
So many people turned out for Sunday's first ever performance of "A Christmas in Two Egg, Florida - The Play" that the cast staged a second impromptu performance.

Based on my short novel of the same name, the play's cast featured residents from around the Two Egg area of Jackson County. Some of them even portrayed their own ancestors.

Ben's Redemption - A Scene from "A Christmas in Two Egg"
A Christian novel centered around a Christmas Eve night in Two Egg, the book and play tell the story of the redemption of a man named Ben. Angry and depressed, he finds himself alone at Christmas and disturbed by noises from his barn. As the story unfolds, it includes glimpses into the real history of Two Egg. In both the book and play, a group of local men sitting around the historic Bevis Store in Two Egg share stories of how the community got its unusual name.

The play was staged for the first time on Sunday, December 18th, at the Lovedale Baptist Church Fellowship Hall near Two Egg and the audience was at capacity nearly thirty minutes before opening time. Dozens more visited a temporary "Museum of Two Egg History" and enjoyed refreshments while they waited for a quickly promised second performance.

"Gabriel" (left) discusses his role with the author.
The cast acted out scenes from the book, all linked together by readings and story tellings. The Lovedale Baptist Church Men's Ensemble and Children & Youth Ensemble provided the opening music while the choir, with soloist Helen Davis, played the host of angels that appear unexpectedly over Two Egg at the plays climactic moment.

The church is considering making the play an annual part of Christmas in Jackson County.

If you haven't read the book and would like to, it is available through Chipola River Book & Tea in Downtown Marianna (same block as the Gazebo restaurant) or online for delivery by Christmas through Amazon:   A Christmas in Two Egg, Florida

It is also available as an instant download for your Kindle reading device or free Kindle software (available through Amazon):  A Christmas in Two Egg, Florida (Kindle)

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