Sunday, June 22, 2008

Location of Webbville

I received a question from a reader who was curious to know the location of the Jackson County "ghost town" of Webbville.
Webbville was a prominent community during the 1820s and rivaled Marianna for the title of county seat. In fact, the U.S. Congress actually designated Webbville as the official county seat of Jackson County. The Florida Territorial Legislature threatened to fine any public official that did not conduct business from the courthouse in Marianna, however, and all of the county's officials moved to that location. Webbville, however, still remains the congressionally designated county seat.
Nothing remains of the town today. The site was located near the intersection of Highway 73 and U.S. 231. Union Road leads north off Highway 73 near the intersection. This dirt road (Union Road) was the old Campbellton Road that connected Marianna, Webbville and Campbellton. The Webbville site is located on the hill between Highway 73 and Russ Mill Creek. Union Road crosses directly through the site.

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