Sunday, February 3, 2008

An Early Mill on the Chipola River

While doing research some time ago, I stumbled across the following while reading through old copies of the Pensacola Gazette. This newspaper served all of West Florida during the 1820s and 1830s, and the following was found on page one of the issue from February 6, 1830:


To authorize Joseph H. Howell to build a Mill on the Chipola River.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, That Joseph H. Howell, be, and is hereby authorized, and vested with all the rights and privileges of building a set of mills, gins, or any other machine on the Chipola River in Jackson County, where the same runs through section twenty three, in Township four, range ten, north and west, and to use the waters of said river for the use of said mills, or machine, in any way he may think proper, Provided, he shall in no case, obstruct the passage and free navigation of said river.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage.

Passed, November 10th, 1829.

The location provided in the act was on the Chipola River just south of Marianna and near the point where Spring Creek flows into the river. The river was then used for barge traffic, which explains why the Legislative Council was clear in its intent that Howell not obstruct the channel in any way.

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