This is another view of the site of Webbville. This photograph was taken looking north up the Campbellton Road, which leads from this point across Russ Mill Creek and on to Waddell Mill Pond and Campbellton.
While working on my forthcoming book, A History of Jackson County, Florida, I uncovered quite a bit of new information on Webbville, including what I think may have been the first recorded murder in the history of Jackson County. Here is the report from the November 6, 1826, issue of the Baltimore Gazette:
THE MURDER. – We understand that the body found near Webbville, on Chipola (as mentioned in a communication published in our last) is ascertained to be that of Mr. Morris stranger who had been in the country but a few weeks and who, it has been supposed, brought money with him for the purpose of purchasing land. There is no doubt but this unfortunate individual was murdered, and it is supposed that a young man named Tod is the murderer – It is said Tod was the last person seen with the deceased, that he absconded on Morris’ hourse, which he rode to death, but finding that the alarm had not been given he returned to Chipola, where he remained until the body was found, when he again fled. We have heard that a reward has been offered for his apprehension.
THE MURDER. – We understand that the body found near Webbville, on Chipola (as mentioned in a communication published in our last) is ascertained to be that of Mr. Morris stranger who had been in the country but a few weeks and who, it has been supposed, brought money with him for the purpose of purchasing land. There is no doubt but this unfortunate individual was murdered, and it is supposed that a young man named Tod is the murderer – It is said Tod was the last person seen with the deceased, that he absconded on Morris’ hourse, which he rode to death, but finding that the alarm had not been given he returned to Chipola, where he remained until the body was found, when he again fled. We have heard that a reward has been offered for his apprehension.
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