Monday, November 19, 2007

World War II in Two Egg

I've been learning more about World War II activities in Jackson County over recent weeks and have been amazed by the number of fatal military aircraft crashes in and around Two Egg during the war.
At least three fatal crashes, and possibly more, took place within a one mile radius of the community between 1943 and 1945.
Apparently Two Egg was prone to such accidents because a manned radio beacon there was used by aircraft approaching and leaving the Marianna Army Airfield (later Graham Air Force Base and today's Marianna Municipal Airport). In addition, the beacon served as a key navigation point for pilots in training. As a result, they often used it as a center point for practicing bombing and strafing runs.
Military training was extremely dangerous in those days and, as a result, over 1,000 men died in aircraft accidents in Florida alone during World War II. At least six of them lost their lives in and around Two Egg.

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